Last weekend we whipped up three holiday recipes to munch on.
First was sausage balls. It's just not Christmas without sausage balls.
We don't have a specific recipe, we just kind of eyeball the three ingredients: sausage (we mix 1lb. mild with 1lb. hot), shredded cheddar cheese and Bisquick.
Lee rolled the dough into logs and froze a few of them, so we'll have dough on hand throughout the holidays that we can quickly thaw out, roll into balls and bake.
Then I made a batch of pimiento cheese that we've been munching on all week. Pimiento cheese isn't solely a Christmas food, but it's nice to have some on hand during the holidays.
2 lbs. extra sharp cheddar cheese
1 jar diced pimientos
Mayo (I just eyeballed it)
You MUST grate the cheese yourself. Pre-packaged shredded cheese is just not going to cut it.
I used the shredder plate on my food processor to grate the cheese and then used the regular blade to combine all the ingredients.
This pimiento cheese is super sharp, which is just the way I like it. If you don't like it as sharp, you can use sharp cheese or mix sharp and extra sharp.
Please PLEASE buy yourself some crusty sourdough bread, slather it with the pimiento cheese and pop it in your toaster oven so it gets nice and runny. YUM. Extra points if you also add bacon and tomato.
And of course we had to have a sweet treat. My mom makes these bars at Christmas, and I'm not sure they have a name (they probably do but I just don't know it), so Lee took to calling them sniggedy snacks.
You'll need:
1 c graham cracker crumbs
1 stick of butter
1 pkg butterscotch morsels
1 pkg chocolate chips (I've taken to using milk chocolate morsels instead of semi-sweet lately, but you do what you want)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
You can buy graham cracker crumbs already made, or make them yourself. I used one sleeve of crackers (1/3 of the box).
Get to pulsin'.
The butter gets popped into the microwave.
Until it's melted.
Pour the melted butter over your crumbs and spread into your pan to make a crust.
These next steps are pretty complicated, so pay attention. Top the crust with the package of butterscotch morsels.
And then CAREFULLY add the chocolate chips. (Just kidding about the carefully part. Just throw them on there.)
And now an action shot!
Pour on the can of sweetened condensed milk. Whatever you do, don't sneak a taste of the condensed milk. (Kidding again. You should definitely do that.)
Now pop it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes.
I'm not quite sure what was going on with this batch of sniggedy snacks, but they didn't cut up into nice bars like they usually do. They were a bit gooey and runny (let me tell you, NOT a bad thing), so we just enjoyed them straight out of the pan.
These are pretty sweet, so if you don't have a sweet tooth (and for that I envy you) then these probably aren't for you. I think the original recipe also calls for a package of white chocolate chips, but I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate (and it already has enough going on) so I leave them out.
So what are you baking up this holiday season? If you try any of these out, let me know what you think!