Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Something I've Been Thinking About...

The posts that I most enjoy sharing with you are the ones where I've photographed people. Like Brevyn, or Leah, or Brevyn again.

I love taking the pictures, I love editing them (because let's face it, you need good photography but it's the Photoshop love that takes a picture across the finish line) and I love sharing them with you guys on here and on Facebook and getting feedback.

I'd love to get more practice with portrait photography, so if you'd be a willing subject, let me know. Free of charge, no obligations on either part. In the end, hopefully I get some good practice with shooting and editing and you get a few nice pictures for free. A win-win for both parties.

I'd love to do children, senior pics, families (maybe you need a good Christmas card picture?), but if you have other ideas I'd be open to that too. I'm not trying to make a career out of this, and I do have a full-time job, so if for some reason there's a ton of interest I may not be able to get around to everyone.

Obviously anything in the Holly Springs/Raleigh/Durham area is game, but if you live in La Grange or Kinston I'm there about twice a month (even more around the holidays) so that would work as well.

If you're interested, leave me a comment here or email me at megancdawson {at} gmail {dot} com.

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