You guys, life is busy lately. And the kid isn't even here yet. Did I tell you I'm planning a retirement party for my mom, plus helping with a wedding, both in June? And that's on top of all of the baby-related things I need to be getting done. So excuse me if posting is light, but when things are busy blogging needs to be the first thing to go. I'll still try to check in weekly, but you'll just have to consider anything additional a special bonus, ok?
1. How far along? 25 weeks, 1 day
2. How big? The size of a cauliflower -- 13.5 inches long and 1.5 lbs
3. Movement: I can tell she's getting big because I'll feel her on opposite sides of my belly at the same time. And she's been really active lately (What to Expect says weeks 24-28 are the most active, because the baby still has lots of room to move). Lee got to feel lots of good movement last night. Instead of stopping moving when he put his hand on my belly like she has been doing, she seemed to be almost following him around, kicking wherever he would move his hand. It was so sweet.
4. Childcare: we've now visited 3 daycare centers, and it hasn't been as traumatic as I thought it might be. Maybe I did a good job of setting my expectations beforehand? Of the 3, there are 2 we were happy with that we need to decide between. One is really convenient (as in within walking distance of our house) and very affordable (if paying over $1,000 month for childcare can ever be considered affordable). The other is a bit more expensive and further away but has a great curriculum and facility. Because we have 2 strong options already, we decided not to visit some of the more expensive options, so as not to tempt ourselves. We'll be making a decision soon and putting down a deposit, and I'll be glad to check that not-so-fun task off my To Do list.
5. Speaking of To Do lists, you know what's my favorite part about SO MANY people being pregnant right now? At any time I can log onto Facebook or Twitter and be reminded of all of the ways in which I'm so far behind other moms-to-be. Oh, you're not due until October and you have your baby's nursery completely planned out already? That's so awesome. You're due in November and have all of your furniture ordered already? Good for you! (That's sarcasm there, if you couldn't tell.)
6. Seriously though. I need to make some decisions regarding furniture. Since some furniture can take 8-10 weeks to come in, it's starting to stress me out. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, and our weekends are booked from now until July. But, like everything else, it WILL get done!
7. On a positive note, I get to spend 3 glorious days at the beach this weekend, where I will hopefully get to do lots of resting and relaxing for me and baby girl both. I'm confident that the sand and salt air will do wonders for my crowded mind.
I hope your long weekend is awesome too. And just because I made you wait two weeks for a blog update, here's another pic of the bump. (And don't be scared, that's not a giant snake in the bed under the covers, just my enormous snoogle pillow.)
Top: Old Navy maternity
Jeans: Kohl's maternity

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