I highly recommend the suggested route on the zoo's website as to the best way to tackle the day. Arrive as soon as they open, park in North America, go inside and immediately take the tram to Africa, do the Africa loop and eat lunch in the middle of the park, then walk through North America and end up at the North America parking lot. No backtracking, and you're in Africa first thing in the morning to see all of the best animals before it gets too hot and they get lazy!
For us, Africa was definitely the better of the two continents. All of the animals were on full display, except for the lions who were sleeping.
Mama and baby gorilla:

Ostriches (these things were HUGE!):


Giraffes from afar:

And up CLOSE!

Family photo with the elephants:

This is Ava doing "what does an elephant say?" where she makes a blowing noise and raises her trunk in the air :)

Carousel ride after lunch:

We didn't have as much luck in North America as the grizzly bears, black bears and wolves were hiding out (it was hot by this point) and the polar bear(s) weren't on display.
We did have fun with the seals though:

And Ava made a friend:

These girls had a blast at the zoo and we ALL (well, except the driver) had a nice nap on the way home!