We had an awesome October that started with a trip to the pumpkin patch, included a few trips home, an anniversary trip to Asheville for Lee and I, and a visit to the State Fair, and ended with a really fun Halloween. And somewhere in there, Ava started walking, so I'd call it a pretty successful month.
First up, the pumpkin patch. We went to Green Acres farm in Cary and even though the weather was more like summer than fall we had a good time.
Ava got to pet a rabbit:
And swing:
And go on a hay ride:
And see cows and goats:
And of course, pick out pumpkins:
A few weekends later we hit up the State Fair.
There were delicious cookies:
And huge pumpkins:
And baby calves nursing:
And cute children showing ewes:
And those Click It or Ticket things from when I was a kid:
And watching the Agricadabra magic show from daddy's shoulders:
And fair naps:
While mama and dada ate ribbon fries!
We also got Ava's silhouette hand-cut in the Village of Yesteryear:
Ava said "moo" to all of the cows, and all-in-all it was a pretty awesome day.
And of course, the cherry on top of October was Halloween. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the cutest pig in America:
She even learned the sound effects to go with her costume.
Ava's daycare had a Halloween parade that was fairly adorable.
Then we went trick or treating with our neighbors.
She was so happy to sit in her wagon and clutch her pieces of candy:
It was such a fun night (and month). Ava's at a really fun age right now and we're enjoying getting to see her personality blossom and seeing her learn and show off something new every day. I can't wait to see what she's like at Christmas :)